Individual Classes
Hire Angie to speak at your event. Some popular talks include:
The Maternal Brain – General
The Maternal Brain: How Does It Change In Shape and Composition?
Pregnancy Hormones
Pregnancy and Sleep: Optimize Your Health and The Health of Your Baby Through Rest
The Power of Oxytocin – The Maternal Behavior Hormone
Cognitive Changes During Pregnancy
Connecting With Your Pregnant Brain
Connecting With Your Maternal Brain
When the Maternal Brain Betrays You
Mental Illness and Pregnancy
Dissecting the Maternal Brain: Identifying Maternal Mental Illness
Happy Mommy – Happy Baby: Keeping the Right Mindset During Pregnancy and Beyond
Keeping Your Relationship Strong After Baby –A Workshop to Prepare for Changes
Mentally Preparing for Birth – A Workshop to Avoid Trauma During Birth
Becoming Super Woman: How the Brain Changes to Make You Stronger
Going Back to Work After Baby: What to Know and Prepare for to Make the Transition Easier
Self-Care After Baby: Taking Care of Your Maternal Brain and Body
Get in Touch
We would love to hear from you, and be with you through this journey! Get in touch with us today!